Fyfe designed the replacement of the Varanus Island Produced Water Injection Line for Quadrant Energy (now Santos).
Varanus Island is a processing facility, located approximately 60 kilometres off the coast from Mardie, Western Australia. Fyfe utilised laser scanning to make a replica 3D model of the existing system to ensure it could be thoroughly documented and measured. This allowed for reliable accuracy when designing the new pipeline system. Due to the location of the works and changing the pipe from carbon steel to duplex stainless steel, site modification was not possible and there was essentially no margin for error. Modifications would have incurred a large cost in materials and travel and would have had detrimental schedule implications.
Fyfe supplied piping and mechanical engineering, electrical, instrumentation and controls engineering, civil/structural engineering, and site survey, including 3D modelling and laser scanning. The result of this project was 510-meters of pipeline and a 64-meter branch off being installed without error. Through integrated scanning, measurement and design services, Fyfe were able to deliver seamless installation of piping on a remote site.
Fyfe continue to work on Varanus Island and maintain a strong working relationship with Santos.